What does CHOICE mean to you? #17
Preparing for the CHOICE weekends is truly an amazing experience. In these series of post, we interviewed some of the members to share their encounters with CHOICE that inspired them to return and to serve subsequent weekends. 1. Issues you struggled with before Choice Lost in the hustle of career No connection with the spirit in me Don't actually know about God that much as I was ignorant 2. What is Choice to you? Choice is about the choice that I made to change myself internally. Later, I learnt to externalise that change and strive to care and share genuinely with all human beings without expecting anything in return. 3. How has Choice changed my life? My vision and purpose is clearer and I know the right channels to stay connected with God no matter where I am. Furthermore, I am given the opportunity to show my love and to share what I have with others. 4. What is life like after Choice? Much better in the sens...